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Enjoy all the cake you can eat during The Elder Scrolls Online's Anniversary Jubilee event, celebrating the birth of the game!




  • Begins: Thursday, April 4th at 10am ET

  • Ends: Tuesday, April 23rd at 10am ET

  • Total Tickets: 60 tickets

  • Special Bonuses: 100% XP*

*Unlike previous years, using the cake is not necessary to keep the +100% XP buff from the event active. The buff will automatically applied during the event period.


Acquire the event starter quest “For Cake’s Sake” from the in-game Crown Store for free


Talk to the Khajiit chef Apprentice Mogh near the docks of Davon's Watch (Stonefalls), Vulkhel Guard (Auridon), or Daggerfall (Glenumbra)


Tickets: Three (3) tickets from your first bite of cake each day

Loot Boxes: Earn loot boxes by --

  • Completing any daily quests in game. For a full list of daily quests available in game, check out our list here.

  • Killing and looting any final Dungeon boss

  • Killing and looting any final Trial boss

  • Killing and looting any World boss

  • Completing any Incursion event, such as a Dark Anchors, Geysers, Bastion Nymic, etc

  • Rewards for the Worthy reward mails

  • A chance from Tales of Tribute reward mails, with a higher chance to receive one based on the challenge of the opponent or the number of opponents face during a daily


  • NEW Earthbone Ayleid armor style pages

  • NEW A fragment for the new Jubilee Steed mount (note that you need 25 total fragments to make the steed, so keep some Event Tickets ready if you want this one!)

  • Crafting materials

  • A random motif chapter, furnishing recipe, or style item

  • Transmute Crystals

  • Desecrated Grave Soil, the Worm Cult style item

  • A small chance for a tradeable style page for last year’s Bonemold armor style

  • A small chance for Bonemold, Saberkeel, or Worm Cult outfit styles

In addition to the Gift Boxes, you can also earn new cosmetic rewards that have never before been earnable in game:

  • Trueflame Sword Replica - an extremely small chance from any fishing node during the Jubilee

  • Staff of Worms Replica - any Dolmen reward chest has a chance to drop this page

  • Sunna’rah Replica or the Barbas Helmet Replica - any World Boss in Vvardenfell has a chance to drop these pages

  • Ul’vor Staff - any Geyser in Summerset has a chance to drop this page



  • All three Molag Bal Illusion Imp pet fragments

  • The first two fragments for the Master of Schemes personality

  • Bound style pages for the Earthbone Ayleid armor style

  • Anniversary Cake furnishings (note that these require you to own the respective year’s cake memento to buy)

  • Anniversary Cake Slice furnishings (you DO NOT need to own the respective year’s cake memento to buy these)

  • Jubilee Steed mount fragments

  • Bags of Jubilee Yesteryear, containing the following, providing only items you do not currently own:

    • Bound Worm Cult motif chapters

    • Jephrine Paladin armor style pages

    • Imperial Champion armor style pages

    • Prophet armor style pages

    • Lyris armor style pages

    • Sai Sahan armor style pages

    • Abnur Tharn armor style pages

    • Bound Saberkeel armor style pages

    • Bound Bonemold armor style pages

    • Aurora Firepot Spider parts (excluding the instructions, which are available from the Impresario’s assistant)

    • Desecrated Grave Soil (note that this is a chance in addition to whatever else the bag contains)

  • Group Repair Kits

  • Companion Guild Commendations

Impresario Assistant

  • All three Unstable Morpholith Pet Fragments

  • All three Deadlands Scorcher Skin Fragments

Indrik Vendor

  • Nascent Indrik Feathers

  • Luminous Indrik Berries

  • Icebreath Indrik Berries

  • Shimmering Indrik pet

  • Rimedusk Indrik pet





If you're looking for event tips from veteran players check out some of our helpful hints, recommendations and learnings from previous years.

General Tips

  • CHECK YOUR TICKETS FIRST THING EACH DAY - you can only hold 12 and will lose them if you go over!

  • Before you buy from the Impresario, test the drop rate of event goodies - tickets are valuable so save them for the things that don't drop if you can!

  • Also, ask your guildies or check the guild bank - sometimes people have extra they are willing to share! Exhaust your options before buying!

  • Items purchased form the Impresario are BOUND, but items from coffer drops are tradable and able to be sold on guild traders


Event Tips

  • Some loot box dropping activities require grouping with guildies, if you need an invite to The Fox Den Underground guild (available on all platforms and regions) let us know! You can request an invite by applying in game through the Guild Finder tool or in The Fox Den's Discord:

  • The quickest and most guaranteed option for farming boxes will be to complete world events. Everyone that participates gets to loot the treasure when complete regardless of how much damage you put out.

    • World bosses require you to be in the top 12 DPS to loot the boss, if you are at a crowded boss and don't make the damage, you will not get any loot.

    • Arenas are long and tedious and don't guarantee a box after every round, only at the end, so it may be fruitful or it may not.

    • You won't always get a parcel for thieving so your rate of acquiring spoils will be at the mercy of the RNG gods. Also, remember that if you are caught by the guards after stealing, all stolen Parcels and rewards in your inventory will be lost.

  • If you earn any Tel Var Stone currency, make sure you bank them before heading into Imperial City. If you die you lose half of what's in your pocket!

  • Now is the time to make money!​

    • Join a trade guild! One of the ways to complete the daily quest is to spend 10k gold at a Guild Trader so sales are going to skyrocket, especially those items priced at 10k. ​

    • Sell motifs and crafting materials for Master Writ crafting! A ton of people will be trying to complete their writs and will need materials and motifs to do it!


Writ Tips

  • For PC friends, using addons will make doing writs MUCH easier and faster:

    • For Master Writs use Writ Worthy to check to see if you have everything you need to do it (materials, motif knowledge, etc) and how much you will spend in materials to complete it

    • For Daily Writs use Dolgubon's Lazy Writ Crafter will automatically accept, create and turn it your goods!

  • Jewelry crafting writs are usually the least likely to be profitable overall. The cost of materials are high and the cost per voucher tradeoff can be low

  • You will only get a loot box for the first daily Crafting Writ per account, per day and the first Master Writ per discipline, per account, per day each day so don't stress yourself out doing all writs on all characters expecting multiple boxes

Mon - Fri: Starts at 10AM CT 

Mon & Fri: 6:30PM CT - 11PM CT

Wed: 7PM CT - 11PM CT



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